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Read One Book This Year. Just One. And Here’s Why.
The mental and physical benefits of reading are incredible!
It’s mid-summer, and right about the time when people realize that their New Year’s goals were ridiculous. We haven’t lost 5 pounds per month, we haven’t written half of our new novel, and we certainly haven’t cut back to 3 drinks per week. When it comes to reading goals and self-education, it’s tempting to just give up right now, accept the inevitable, and fade into fall.
But don’t. Instead, let’s simplify things. Here’s a new goal:
Even if your goal was to read 5 books this year (or 1 book a month?), let that go. Start with something so simple that you know you can be successful, you know you can do it. Buy a single book this week and start reading that single book.
According to Healthline, here are the mental and physical benefits of reading:
- Strengthens the brain
- Increases empathy
- Builds vocabulary
- Prevents cognitive decline
- Reduces stress
- Aids sleep
- Alleviates depression
- Lengthens lifespan
That’s not a bad list. Those are some pretty great reasons to read.
Or, if you’re just a naturally competitive person, there’s this:
25% of U.S. adults read zero books per year.
Beat those non-readers. Read one book. Win the game.